
department of electronic engineering
sogang university


New Approaches to Wideband RF Switching in Silicon-Germanium Technology
  • 2023.03.20
  • 307


세미나 제목: New Approaches to Wideband RF Switching in Silicon-Germanium Technology

연사: Dr. Clifford Cheon
시간 및 zoom 주소:
- 2023년 03 월 27일 (월) 오전 11:00 
- https://sogang-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/87872984707?pwd=VmpSMEZMdkRtb2M3b0JtbXA4ZmptUT09
- 회의 ID: 878 7298 4707, 암호: 637488

세미나 요약
The objective of this research is to develop and investigate radio frequency (RF) switches utilizing silicon-germanium (SiGe) heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) to provide a novel design approach for next-generation wideband circuits and systems. SiGe HBTs offer relatively small parasitic capacitance, making them suitable for wideband RF switching transistors with low insertion loss. Despite the available performance, the effective utilization of SiGe HBTs as RF series switches remains largely unexplored. The research in this presentation introduces a novel RF series switch architecture, namely an anti-parallel (AP) SiGe HBT pair, as a potential wideband switching element for next-generation systems. The benefits of this novel RF series switch architecture are investigated, as well as insightful optimization techniques and an analysis of its operational principles. Then provides implemented design examples and develops design techniques leveraging properties possessed by the AP SiGe HBT pair.

□ 학력
박사 2016-2021 Georgia Institute of Technology, Electrical and Computer Engineering
석사 2011-2013 서울대학교 전기전자컴퓨터공학부
학부 2006-2010 University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Electrical Engineering

□ 경력
 2021.08~현재 Broadcom
 2014.02~2016.05 삼성전자 네트워크사업부