
department of electronic engineering
sogang university


Energy-Efficient, Highly Linear, Broadband Power Amplification Using SiGe HBT BiCMOS Technologies 세미
  • 2022.03.24
  • 608


세미나 제목

Energy-Efficient, Highly Linear, Broadband Power Amplification Using SiGe HBT BiCMOS Technologies



주인찬 조교수 (아주대 전자공학과)


시간 및 온라인 접속 주소

20224 14 () 오후 4:30, 온라인


회의 ID: 868 1725 5910

암호: 693530


세미나 초록

The goal of the proposed research is to develop multiple design methodologies of power amplifiers (PAs) using silicon germanium (SiGe) heterojunction bipolar junction transistor (HBT) to achieve highly efficient, high power, highly linear, and/or broadband amplification. Choosing optimal design method depending upon applications will be critical to overcome performance limitations imposed by the inherent low bandgap of SiGe HBT. This work provides several design examples of SiGe HBT PAs and explains design approaches suitable for each PA application by focusing on unique features of SiGe HBT devices for the large signal operation and by devising novel passive and active circuit design techniques.



□ 학력

학부 2002-2006 한양대학교 전자전기컴퓨터공학부

석사 2006-2009 서울대학교 전기공학부

박사 2014-2019 Georgia Institute of Technology 전자전기컴퓨터공학부

□ 경력

 2022.03~현재 아주대학교 전자공학과, 조교수

 2019.09-2022.02 Qualcomm, Staff Engineer

 2019.06-2019.08 Intel Senior, Engineer

 2019.01-2019.05 Georgia Institute of Technology, Tech Temp

 2017.05-2017.08 Skyworks Solutions, Intern

 2016.05-2016.08 Skyworks Solutions, Intern

 2012.06-2014.07 삼성전자, 선임

 2009.03-2012.04 나노기술원, 연구원