
department of electronic engineering
sogang university


Recent Advances in THz Imaging Microelectronics
  • 2023.05.03
  • 476


#세미나 제목: Recent Advances in THz Imaging Microelectronics

#연사: 최우열 교수 (Oklahoma State University)
시간 및 장소(줌 온라인):
- 2023년 05 월 8일 (월) 오전 10:00 
- https://sogang-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/82231046959?pwd=TWs3SkU4M1JXb3dldnpTeWllNHplZz09
- 회의 ID: 822 3104 6959, 암호: 124046

세미나 요약:
THz (>300 GHz) imaging is expected to support applications in safety, security and medicine, since it offers higher resolution while maintaining the ability to see through non-conductive materials and harsh weather conditions. For the last few decades, microelectronics for THz imaging have been rapidly advanced as a result of active research.
In this seminar, recent progress in THz microelectronics for high-resolution imaging will be presented. Following a brief introduction of THz technologies and systems, state-of-the-art THz imaging will be reviewed. Afterward, a CMOS 430-GHz concurrent transceiver pixel array to realize camera-like reflection-mode will be discussed in detail. Using the 430-GHz array and an integrated 6-cm Cassegrain reflector, imaging at 3 m with the 0.7-degree angular resolution is demonstrated.

□ 학력
학사 1997-2001 연세대학교 기계전자공학부
석사 2001-2003 서울대학교 전기컴퓨터공학부
박사 2003-2011 서울대학교 전기컴퓨터공학부

□ 경력
2018.07 – 현재 Oklahoma State University, Assistant Professor
2013.06 – 2018.08 The University of Texas at Dallas, Assistant Research Professor
2011.05 – 2013.05 The University of Texas at Dallas, Research Associate