
department of electronic engineering
sogang university


2020 퀄컴논문대전 수상논문안내
  • 2021.01.04
  • 2553

2020 퀄컴논문대전 수상논문안내 


2020 퀄컴논문대전 심사결과 20편의 논문이 선정되었습니다.

최우수논문에 선정된 조병준, 권혁수 박사과정의 논문 포스터는 첨부파일 통해 확인하실 수 있습니다.

선정된 대학원생에게는 연구장려금이 지급될 예정입니다.



구분 지도교수 학위과정 성명 논문제목 저널명
최우수 박형민 박사 조병준 Stereo Acoustic Echo Cancellation Based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation With Inter-Channel-Correlated Echo Compensation IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
최우수 최우영 석박통합 권혁수 Island-Style Monolithic Three-Dimensional CMOS-Nanoelectromechanical Logic Circuits IEEE Electron Device Letters
우수 박형민 석사 신의협 Auxiliary-Function-Based Independent Vector Analysis Using Generalized Inter-Clique Dependence Source Models With Clique Variance Estimation IEEE Access
우수 최우영 석사 백광렬 Tri-State Nanoelectromechanical Memory Switches for the Implementation of a High-Impedance State IEEE Access
우수 최우영 석박통합 이장우 Design Guidelines for Gate-Normal Hetero-Gate-Dielectric (GHG) Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors (TFETs) IEEE Access
우수 김광수 석사 김정훈 4H-SiC Double-Trench MOSFET with Side Wall Heterojunction Diode for Enhanced Reverse Recovery Performance Electronics
우수 김광수 석사 천진희 Numerical Simulation Analysis of Switching Characteristics in the Source-Trench MOSFET’s Electronics
우수 송태경 석박통합 박성훈 Optically Transparent Focused Transducers for Combined Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Microscopy Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering
우수 김광수 석사 김정훈 A Novel 4H-SiC Super Junction UMOSFET with Hetero-Junction Diode for Enhanced Reverse Recovery Characteristics and Low Switching Loss SEMICONDUCTORS
장려 강석주 석사 안세현 TouchNAS: Efficient Touch Detection Model Design Methodology for Resource-Constrained Devices IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
장려 강석주 석사 서유림 Phase Congruency Map-guided Super Resolution via Frequency Domain Analysis IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
장려 강석주 석사 최주성 Pseudo Defect Generator for Improving Deep Learning-based Detection Accuracy IEEE Access
장려 최우영 석사 이재성 Nanoelectromechanical-Switch-Based Binary Content-Addressable Memory (NEMBCAM) IEEE Access
장려 박형민 박사 조병준 Convolutional Maximum-Likelihood Distortionless Response Beamforming with Steering Vector Estimation for Robust Speech Recognition IEEE-ACM Transactions on
Audio Speech and Language
장려 소재우 박사 이재희 Reinforcement Learning-Based Joint User Pairing and Power Allocation in MIMO-NOMA Systems MDPI Sensors
장려 강석주 석사 박재서 Feedback-based Object Detection for Multi-person Pose Estimation Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
장려 김광수 석사 이정연 3300V 4H-SiC MOSFET with Improved Switching Loss and Short-Circuit Withstand Capability SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
장려 김광수 석사 윤종운 4H-SiC UMOSFET with an integrated DMOSFET on a p-shielding region Journal of Computational
장려 김광수 석사 김정훈 Single-Event Burnout Hardening 4H-SiC UMOSFET Structure IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
장려 이승훈 석사 전제민 Non-Binary DAC-Based 1.3 mW 12 b 100 MS/s 28 nm CMOS SAR ADC with Fast Residue Settling IET Electronics Letters

